
    Mary and Paul Camozzi Headshot

    Mary & Paul Camozzi

    Nursery Care

    Will Condrey

    Willie Condrey


    Gabe Bisho sitting at the piano

    Gabe Bisho


    Michael Schwab holding a guitar

    Michael Schwab


    Merlyn Van Regenmorter


The Session & Board of Deacons

The Session

The Session is the governing body of the church. It is comprised of Ruling Elders, who are elected by the congregation to lead in the ministry of the church. They also sit as the Board of Directors for purposes of the California Nonprofit Corporation Law.

The Pastor/Head of Staff serves as the Moderator of Session and a Ruling Elder acts as Clerk of Session.

Members of Session

Session Members
(as of June 2023)

Moderator: The Reverend Keith L. DeVries

Clerk of Session: Mary MacDonald

Assistant Clerk of Session: Sharon MacLean

Administration Division: Allison Cagley, Chair; Jim Hill

Education Division: Rebecca Cameron, Chair; Ernie Chard

Fellowship & Nurture Division: Lara Moborez, Chair

Membership & Outreach Division: Julie Ueltzen, Chair; Anita Lawson

Mission Division: Bob Curtis, Chair; Dave Mathews, Rebecca Parker

Worship Division: Kathy Phillips, Chair; Terry Sakuda

Nominating Committee: ElizaBeth Phillips, Moderator

The Board of Deacons

Deacons are elected by the congregation to serve at the front line of ministry at Carmichael Presbyterian Church. They care for members, visitors, and our community through a variety of  ministries, including keeping in contact with homebound congregants, serving communion, and providing hospitality, as well as coordinating the annual Christmas Gift Ministry project.

Deacon Moderator: Deb Sweetman